
September 26, 2010
Portsmouth, NH, USA

Conemtech Sponsors the 2010
ISPCS Conference and Plug-fest

Conemtech is one of the sponsors of the International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication, ISPCS for short, which takes place this week in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA .


The objective of the ISPCS symposium, this time with technical sponsorship by the University of New Hampshire, is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from industry, academia, and government involved in the area of Precision Clock Synchronization. Many advanced papers on the progress of the technology and its applications are presented during the three days of conference.

In connection to its adjacent three day plug-fest this is currently the most important annual event in the IEEE 1588 industry.


A plug-fest is an opportunity to test and demonstrate device and system interoperability, and to resolve compatibility issues pre-launch to the market. Implementers are invited to demonstrate system-wide clock synchronization and operation of protocols across a wide number of devices from different vendors at the same occasion. Grandmaster clocks, boundary and transparency clocks in form of masters and switching network elements as well as slave clocks are tested in the same network. The default profile as well as the latest status of the telecom and power profile protocols are tested.

Conemtech participates in the plug-fest with its M50 modules mounted on small size prototype socket boards, as well as a product demonstration and display stand in the conference.

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